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No. 000037




Lauren's interest in design stemmed from her longtime hobby and passion of art. Using that skill, she incorporates detailed illustration and texture into her works. Despite digital art being her main skillset, Lauren deeply enjoys working on physical projects and can easily spend hours at a time on any hands-on project assembly. Her main goal when creating (whether it be a design project, hobby work, or art) is to make work that can be viewed years later and still look cool. The other goal is to enjoy herself while creating, as having fun and trying out something new is always a priority when it's appropriate for a project.
Dark Pattern Circus: The Quiz Game
Lauren Oliver's Dark Pattern Circus Quiz Game was built out of a desire to bring the issue of dark patterns to attention. Dark patterns are manipulative interface design choices present everywhere in today's tech-based society, but a lot of people are unaware of the concept and end up falling victim to them. The project provides players with the opportunity to experience these dark patterns firsthand through a fun carnival themed quiz game, and put a name to the types of interfaces they've likely seen countless times before. By introducing a scoring system to the game, players are encouraged to retry the game to figure out how to avoid the dark patterns and get a perfect score. The exhibition features an immersive carnival-themed booth that visitors can enter to sit down and play the game, and a built-in pamphlet stand containing brochures with additional information about dark patterns, and links to further reading for those (hopefully) interested.
Exploration / Freelance

Lauren's post-graduation plans are ideally to pursue work as a freelance artist or designer while remaining near the Twin Cities area. She'd like to spend time to hone her illustration skills, and possibly branch out into the world of 3D modelling. Beyond that, the primary goal is to have fun and learn lots of cool new things in whatever path she may end up taking :)

Dark Pattern Circus: The Quiz Game

Dark Pattern Circus: The Quiz Game

Dark Pattern Circus: The Quiz Game

Dark Pattern Circus: The Quiz Game

Dark Pattern Circus: The Quiz Game

Dark Pattern Circus: The Quiz Game

Dark Pattern Circus: The Quiz Game

Dark Pattern Circus: The Quiz Game

Dark Pattern Circus: The Quiz Game

Dark Pattern Circus: The Quiz Game

Dark Pattern Circus: The Quiz Game

Dark Pattern Circus: The Quiz Game